Smart contract name: flegendsswap
Keep in mind! Those steps are applicable only to F-Legends Packs, and assets distributed during the Sale that has been held on June 4, 2021:
collection: flegendsnfts
schema name: series1
asset_id >= 1099543262767
First of all, open the link:
Silver Pack II - True Silver Pack II
If you still have your Silver Pack II, you can exchange it on the True Silver Pack II:
Smart contract name: flegendsswap
Golden Pack II - True Golden Pack II
If you still have your Golden Pack II, you can exchange it on the True Golden Pack II:
Smart contract name: flegendsswap
Assets - True Silver Pack II
If you have unpacked your NFTs, or bought cards at the AtomicHub market, you can exchange any 4 cards (except promo) on a new True Silver Pack II:
Smart contract name: flegendsswap
Assets - True Golden Pack II
If you have unpacked your NFTs, or bought cards at the AtomicHub market, you can exchange any 16 cards (except promo) on a new True Golden Pack II :
Smart contract name: flegendsswap
Asset - One Card Pack
If only separated cards are left on your hand, you still can exchange them on the special pack Silk Soul II One Card Pack (with 1 card inside)
Smart contract name: flegendsswap
The Swap Tool will be functioning until the last wrong pack is exchanged.
It's your own choice, whether to exchange the assets or not. The cards and packs distributed during the last sale stay legit NFTs.
Pack opening will begin at the same time as the Swap Tool launch.